The IndieFEST Film Awards: The Fixer wins Award of Excellence - Special Mention

The IndieFEST Film Awards Top 10 Award of Excellence.jpg

The Fixer wins an Award of Excellence Special Mention, one of the Top 10 of the season, at The IndieFEST Film Awards, which acknowledges extraordinary craft & storytelling across multiple forms and genres.

The IndieFEST Film Awards is truly an international competition, the Top 10 winning films coming from six countries, including Denmark, France, Mexico, Spain, Venezuela, and United States.

Below is a review from The IndieFest Film Awards:

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The IndieFEST Film Awards promotes filmmakers worldwide.

The IndieFEST Film Awards is an avant-garde worldwide competition that strives to discover and honor achievements of filmmakers who produce high quality films and new media. 

Attracting both powerhouse industry veterans as well as talented new filmmakers, The IndieFEST promotes award winners through press releases to over 40,000 filmmakers, industry contacts as well as five additional global media/distribution outlets.

IndieFEST award winners have gone on to win Oscars, Emmys & Tellys.

Michael SchilfComment