Podcast: Director Michael Schilf talks with JBN Media about his film THE FIXER

Check out my interview with journalist Erik Werlin from Jean Book Nerd (JBN Media): a conversation about the filmmaking process of THE FIXER, starring Jesse C. Boyd, Veronica Diaz Carranza, Vincent van Hinte, and Danny Trejo. The casting saga alone is worth the listen.

You can listen to the full podcast here: [Podcast] THE FIXER - Michael Schilf.

What people are saying…

“Schilf skillfully delivers the perfect pinch of levity between bouts of tension-filled suspense, and the cliffhanger ending leaves you emotionally satisfied, yet wanting more.” —David Hernandez

The Fixer is shot beautifully, and without waste; every scene powerful and colorful to the story with resolution at stake.” —Brett Zimmerman

“Like every phenomenal thriller, the direction and script keeps us biting our nails with every single second that passes, making us wonder where it will take us next.” Roy Arwas

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